Is this it?

Romans 12:1 (The Message version of the Bible)
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.

Questions to consider (there's a lot so maybe pick just a few)
  1. How does buying fairtrade promote justice?
  2. How does reducing CO2 reduce climate change?  Do you cycle/walk whenever possible?
  3. How does living sustainably and recycling more help?
  4. How can you make your voice heard and influence decisions made by those in authority (including teachers as well as politicians)?
  5. What would be a good reason to lobby a local shop?
  6. How does banking ethically have an impact on people?
  7. How does shopping differently and buying local help (food miles)?
  8. How much do you engage with people and care about others?
  9. To what extent do you live generously?
  10. How could praying for the world be a good thing?
  11. Do you speak out for those who have no voice?
  12. What impact is your life having on the world?
A prayer
Dear God, please help us to care about this world and everyone living in it, especially those near to us but also anyone who is in great need of stuff we take for granted.  Help us to live grateful and generous lives that have a deliberate positive impact.  Please change us.  Please change this world.  Amen.