Why follow Jesus?

There are generally 3 different kinds of reasons people say they're convinced about following Jesus: 

Sometimes people will say that it's the explanation of Christianity that just makes most sense of everything people experience in this world.  The redemptive story line of the Bible: A loving God who made us to know him and be like him.  A rebellious and broken world cut off from God.  God who came in the person of Jesus to die in our place and defeat death.  And the offer of forgiveness, friendship with God, life to the full and life forever in a world free from sickness, suffering and death.

Sometimes it's the evidence for Christianity that convinces a person to trust and follow Jesus.  Particularly the evidence for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, but also the existence of the universe and other kinds of evidence too, including philosophical arguments.  This is how Nicky Gumbel (creator of the Alpha course) first became a Christian.  CS Lewis too, who said he was "the most reluctant convert in the whole of England".

And sometimes people will say it's the experience of God through Jesus that makes them want to trust and follow him.  Maybe it's a miraculous healing, answered prayer or transformed life.  Or just an undeniable sense of God's presence and love.  Or the effectiveness of God's counter-cultural wisdom for relationships and other priorities.  Often it's all of these!
  • My story - A little bit of it anyway.
  • Mez's story - A friend of mine.  Used to rob banks.  Now starts churches.
  • Brian's story - Korn guitarist experiences God's love and transformation through Jesus.
  • Sean's story - Back from the dead with medical evidence to prove it.
  • Shane's story - Prison for violent crimes.  Life transformed by Jesus.