We slept on the floors of my mate's church in South Harrow and they made us really welcome by cooking us fried breakfast on Saturday and they planned a whole day of adventuring around London too! We were in teams taking photos and videos of crazy things around the city and racing to get to the finishing point.
We had sessions over the weekend all about Jesus and we were thinking about who people say he is, who the Bible says he is, and most importantly, what we say too! We also heard about what 'Simon says' as he told us his story of coming to know Jesus for himself.
Only 2 nosebleeds, one broken door and one broken pool cue later, we found ourselves worshipping with the church there in Harrow on the Sunday morning and they made us really welcome. Two of our group did us proud by sharing their stories of knowing Jesus with the church there from the stage too. Brilliant!
Well done and huge thanks to Dave, Caroline and everyone at Roxeth Green Free Church! Keep up the great work!